G Robotics Auckland - Web Development
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G Robotics
G Robotics is the exclusive distributor of premium delivery robots in New Zealand. They have a bold vision to enhance the service industry and increase productivity by freeing up valuable staff time from mundane, time-consuming tasks that can be automated.
G Robotics was born out of necessity to help keep the restaurants in New Zealand viable amidst one of the many issues caused by the pandemic – Staff Shortages. The company came into being in 2021 at the height of the pandemic outbreak in NZ.
Robots are complex machines that need accurate configuration in order to carry out a complex series of actions automatically. So the challenge was to communicate how simple is to configure robots for various tasks in restaurants, hotels & hospitals.
The Solution
We tackle the challenge by using images, vector graphics and videos to explain robots configuration, object detection technology, multimodal interactions, expressions and touch feedback.
Design Phase

Decrease in Bounce Rate
Increase in Conversion Rate
Increase in Session Duration
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